
Winter is coming

Winter is coming
est le titre
de ce nouveau collage

je pourrais expliquer
comment il a été
mais pourquoi
ne pas laisser
le mystère

on parle du
21 novembre
comme la date
où, bien souvent, il y a une première neige
au sol

et pour revenir à cette élection américaine, ce commentaire
de l'écrivain de Games of Thrones, George RR Martin:

President Pussygrabber

There are really no words for how I feel this morning.

America has spoken. I really thought we were better than this. Guess not.  Trump was the least qualified candidate ever nominated by a major party for the presidency. Come January, he will become the worst president in American history, and a dangerously unstable player on the world stage.  

And the decimated Democrats, a minority in both House and Senate, do not have the power to hinder him.Over the next four years, our problems are going to get much, much worse.  

Winter is coming. I told you so.

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